Sunday, January 22

Murder Rooms: Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes

A BBC television drama series originally broadcast in 2000 and 2001, Murder Rooms was inspired by the fact that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based the character of Sherlock Holmes on his tutor at the University of Edinburgh Dr Joseph Bell, and that Bell did occasionally do forensic work for the Edinburgh police. It is said that Dr. Bell had similar deductive and observation skills as the famous Sherlock Holmes. Watch by clicking on each episode's link or use this playlist.

Episode 1. The Dark Beginnings Of Sherlock Holmes
Dr Bell and Mr Doyle - The Dark Beginnings Of Sherlock Holmes: Following the 'death' of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle finds himself reflecting on his old friendship with Doctor Joseph Bell, as well as his long-gone romance with fellow student Elspeth Scott, the victim of a killer he and Bell failed to capture.

Episode 2. The Patient's Eyes
Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle and his mentor Dr. Joseph Bell investigate the case of a woman who believes she's being followed by an apparition while bicycling along a lonely road.

Episode 3. The Photographer's Chair
Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle and his mentor Dr. Joseph Bell investigate the strangulation deaths of two persons found floating in the river, Doyle finding himself captivated by spiritualism while Bell's suspicions lead him to a photographer who believes he saw his wife's soul leave her body at the moment of death.

Episode 4. The Kingdom Of Bones
A museum curator hires two professors (one being Dr. Joseph Bell) to publicly unwrap an Egyptian mummy, but it proves to be a man's three-week-old corpse, the subsequent investigation uncovering a group of expatriate rebels plotting to create havoc.

Episode 5. The White Knight Strategem
Dr. Joseph Bell helps the police investigate the murder of a money lender, but old animosity between him and the officer in charge leads to conflict, with matters becoming worse when Doyle sides with the lieutenant's theories over Bell's.